Freezing & Chilling
With more than 100 years of experience as a partner to the food industry, Air Liquide has a portfolio of gases and systems that covers all stages of food production, from storing raw materials to transporting the ready-to-sell product.
Freezing & Chilling at a glance
In the food industry, freezing usually refers to deep freezing, or lowering the temperature of a product below -18°C. In contrast, chilling refers to the rapid cooling of a food product from its manufacturing temperature down to refrigerated or cold temperatures, usually from 2 to 4°C.
Compared to traditional mechanical freezing and chilling technologies, cryogenic food refrigeration offers advantages in terms of product quality which is critical for added-value, complex or fragile products, and also in terms of improved productivity, greater process flexibility especially for small to medium production outputs, reduced capex requirements and optimizing cost initiatives.
Our offer
Air Liquide offers a range of quality gases for the food industry (meat, fruits and vegetables or dairy products and ready meals). As the industry benchmark, our ALIGAL™ products meet HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) standards for production and logistics of all liquids related to the agri-food industry. HACCP is a system which identifies, evaluates and controls hazards which are significant to food safety. Our ALIGAL™ gases adhere to strict quality specifications and go beyond standard regulatory requirements.
Our Nexelia™ for Food & Ingredient Processing can provide you with a simple solution for cost control and a new level of operational performance. It is an all-in-one gas solution that combines the best of Air Liquide’s ALIGAL™ gases, application equipment and technical support service along with a customized Performance Service program for the optimization of your cryogenic process.
Why choose us
Industry Leader
We are a global leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health. -
We have a global network of experts available to support you in developing solutions to meet your specifications and challenges. -
Extensive Infrastructure Network
We own and operate a number of production and filling facilities and more than 200km of pipeline networks that supply oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. -
Our solutions are reliable, reproducible and in compliance with stringent and ever-evolving regulations. -
Focus on Quality
We strive for absolute quality control of processes and products, and our products meet and exceed industry standards. -
One-Stop Solution Provider
We provide a full range of products in various purities and supply modes and a spectrum of services to meet your specific needs. -
With a strong commitment to climate change and energy transition, our solutions are developed to achieve the highest performance in your applications while reducing your environmental impact.
What can we do for you?
Discover how we can assist you in your applications.
What's next?
Find out more about all the products and gases marketed
by Air Liquide Singapore.