Taking the search for Air Liquide’s next talent online!
- Human Resources
- Recruitment

Campus career fairs and networking sessions provide a platform for companies to connect with potential employees and also the opportunity for students to connect with employers long before graduation. However, due to safe management measures of COVID-19, large gatherings such as career fairs are not allowed this year.
Singapore’s three biggest tertiary institutions - Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore and Singapore Institute of Technology took an innovative approach and held their career fairs virtually. To increase the attractiveness of Air Liquide as the future employer for our undergraduates, Air Liquide Singapore (ALSg) participated in these virtual career fairs.
One of the key highlights of these virtual careers fairs was that the participating companies were able to organize a chat room with either a group or individuals who were interested in seeking employment with them. Besides the chat room, attendees were also able to access the various materials, photos and videos that were on display at the virtual booths.
As quoted by Ms Zann Teh, General Manager for HR, ALSg, “ Participation in these career fairs allow us to continue our collaboration and partnership with the tertiary institutions. It also helps to strengthen our presence as a future employer of these young talents that will become a part of our diversified workforce and talent pipeline.”
APAC Talent Acquisition Centre of Excellence and HR division from ALSg would like to thank Ms Tan Soon Yee, Mr Gilbert Ong, Mr Nicholas Lim and Mr Alfred Chan, the alumni from the three universities, who shared their experiences in ALSg with the undergraduates in the various chat rooms. APAC Talent Acquisition Centre of Excellence and ALSg HR division will continue to work with these institutions to attract new talents into our Air Liquide family.
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