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Air Liquide’s safe and reliable high-purity and rare gases solutions for the biotechnology and space industry help enable compliance with the most stringent quality, regulatory and safety requirements in a cost effective way.

Dark Matter Research

Several dozen experiments are now on the hunt for stronger evidence that dark matter exists, which is one of the major research subjects in modern physics. To do so, some of them use liquid Xe as a detection medium for WIMPs (Weakly interacting massive particles). When such a particle collides with a Xenon atom, it should, in theory, strip it of an electron and cause scintillation. The use of Xenon should make it possible to distinguish this interaction from other similar events caused by particles such as cosmic rays. All those researches will require a large quantity of Xenon without any technology alternative.

Krypton and Neon are also available as alternative molecules.                

Electronics & Photonics  

Our recommended gas and equipment solutions for your research

Air Liquide guides you to ensure the safety of your operations, and has an extensive global network of R&D centres.

Why choose us

  • Industry Leader

    We are a global leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health.

  • Expertise

    We have a global network of experts available to support you in developing solutions to meet your specifications and challenges.

  • Extensive Infrastructure Network

    We own and operate a number of production and filling facilities and more than 200km of pipeline networks that supply oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen.

  • Reliability

    Our solutions are reliable, reproducible and in compliance with stringent and ever-evolving regulations.

  • Focus on Quality

    We strive for absolute quality control of processes and products, and our products meet and exceed industry standards.

  • One-Stop Solution Provider

    We provide a full range of products in various purities and supply modes and a spectrum of services to meet your specific needs.

  • Sustainability

    With a strong commitment to climate change and energy transition, our solutions are developed to achieve the highest performance in your applications while reducing your environmental impact.

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